Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Notice of Suit to be Filed

Janice Wolk Grenadier                                                                                                          
15 West Spring Street
Alexandria, Virginia 22301
August 20, 2014

Ms Katherine B. Burnett
Judicial Inquiry and review Commission
100 North Ninth Street
Richmond, Virginia  23219

Judge James Clark
520 King Street
Alexandria, Virginia 22314

Corporate Headquarters
Florence Building
111 North Higgins Ave,  Suite 200
Missoula, Mt  59802

Re:  Janice Wolk Grenadier Pro Se,  Plaintiff –  Notice of Suit to be filed in the United States Federal Court Suit will be filed  for the collusion  to deny Honest Services 18 U.S.C. § 1346,  Abuse of Power, Obstruction of Justice, Tampering with Evidence, Theft of Evidence, Mail Fraud, Fraud on the Court, Treason, Ex-Parte Communications,  Discrimination – Social, Economic, Religious, Hierarchy , Violating the Laws and the Rules of the Supreme Court of Virginia, the United States Supreme Court, the Virginia Constitution and the United States Constitution, Judicial Cannons, The Code of Professional Ethics and other charges described below and in a Verified Complaint to be filed. That on July 23, 2014 Judge James Clark with the collusion of lawyers who in the past have been paid by Alps Insurance and with the JIRC leading council since on or around  June of 2013 KATHERINE B. BURNETT denied Plaintiff under 18 U.S.C. § 1346 Honest Services the scheme was in Bias, Retribution and Retaliation ignoring all evidence of Defendant showing Favoritism and Cronyism towards one of his own Lawyer Ilona Ely Freedman Grenadier Heckman who without her, Michael Weiser, and her attorney’s he would not have been chosen to replace Judge Haddock who “LOVED ILONA” .  Ignoring the law of Honest Services in the closed Judicial society, you scratch my back, with the believe “there’s nothing you can do?”  you aren’t one of us.  The Scheme to  intimidate, Bully Plaintiff with  jail time and  approx. $33,000 in legal fees sanctioned for lawyers who have lied in court, ex-parte communication, lied in court documents, lied in court documents to Bankruptcy Court, lied in court documents to the Supreme Court of Virginia, Prince William Court shows with the collusion of the JIRC and  Judge Clark have Behaved very Badly in a grotesque and reprehensible criminal enterprise conducted with full knowledge, consent, and contribution from public and private servants alike.  The Truth the best defense is what Janice Wolk Grenadier has.

On September 12, 2007 Ilona Grenadier Heckman a lawyer lied in court.  That evening a Federal Judge informed me (JW Grenadier) that I had just won my case no Judge like’s a lawyer lying to him in court.  The Slippery Slope of the Truth and of the collision of Equal Justice, Due Process, Blind Justice, Honest Services and the desperate need of the Old Boy’s Network of Virginia  / Judicial System  of Virginia to protect one of their own - hiding the criminal actions of Ilona Grenadier Heckman.  

The  collusion / scheme of Ms. Burnett, Judge Clark & ALPs  to deny Honest Services to JW Grenadier was decided on the morning of July 23, 2014 with the knowledge that JW Grenadier had filed suit against Judge Clark in the DC Federal Court.  That this suit is about the collusion of these parties to prevent Honest Serves on July 23, 2014.

The suit will be filed in Federal Court under Title 18 U.S. Code  241 &  242; Title 42 U.S. Code 1981 & 1983, 18 U.S.C. § 1346 and  et al  This suit asks for Relief of all orders made in violation of the Law that Due Process of Law is allowed and further issue declaratory and injunctive relief as the court deems appropriate. That a Special Grand Jury be appointed to look into the Criminal Misconduct of Defendants.
It was and is your job to assure a Judge performing Judicial functions are done in an Honest way, though Judges  may enjoy Immunity, denial of constitutional and civil rights, tampering with evidence, mail fraud, deny of Honest Services, ex-parte communications, harassment, are absolutely not a judicial function and conflicts with any definition of a Judicial function.  According to Judge Clark the JIRC assured him he was within his rights to intimidate and sentence Janice Wolk Grenadier to 30 days in jail and close to $33,000 in outrages, frivolous  legal fees by his personal friends, allowing them to lie in court, lie in court documents.  The attorneys have been paid in the past by Alps.

In several cases and courts and the Supreme Courts when not influenced by Favoritism and Cronyism did hold Judges accountable when their knowing and willing actions fell outside the boundaries’ of their job description.  That failure to follow simple guidelines of their post makes a Judge’s action no longer a judicial act but an individual act as the act represents their own prejudices and goals.  Case Law also states that when a Judge acts as a trespasser of the law, when a Judge does not follow the law, he then loses subject matter Jurisdiction and the Judges orders are VOID, of no legal force or affect.

There is documented, an overwhelming amount of evidence of Judicial Misconduct;  Criminal Misconduct, deny of Honest Services not limited to Conspiracy; Collusion; Obstruction of Justice; Tampering with Evidence; Mail Fraud; Honest Serves Fraud; Extortion; Harassment; Gang activity; Racketeering; Retaliation; Discrimination;  et al.  Misconduct while in Office: not limited to: decisions made in bad faith for a corrupt purpose, deliberately and intentionally failing to follow the law; Extrinsic fraud; Egregious legal errors; Violation of Procedural Rules; Violation of Due Process;  Violation of Constitutional rights per Title 42 U.S.C. 1981, 1983. Title 18 U.S. C.  241 & 242 ; Virginia Code 17 .1-105(b);  The Cannons of Judicial Conduct and Rules of Professional Conduct have been ignored by all.  This notice is given with the right to add others at a later date.
Your actions have lost you immunity and the protection of your job, as my complaint was not investigated, and according to Judge Clark he was given the go ahead by you to sentence me to Jail and Frivolous legal fees with the gang like intent to Intimidate and Bully.  That Judge Clark Questioning the honesty or Plaintiff in Court shows he had not read any of Plaintiff’s/ Defendants Documents and evidence which shows Plaintiff has the “TRUTH” on her side the best defense one can have.

Janice Wolk Grenadier

“The appearance of Justice is just as important as Justice itself “
                                               Judge Kloch in his letter of apology and to recuse himself.

Judicial Inquiry and Review Commission

Canons of Judicial Conduct for the State of Virginia
These Canons, which govern the conduct and actions of all justices and judges of the Commonwealth, retired judges and members eligible for recall to judicial service, substitute judges and special justices, judges pro tempore while acting as a judge pro tempore, and all members of the State Corporation Commission and Virginia Workers' Compensation Commission, can be found in Part 6, Section III of the Rules of the Supreme Court of Virginia

Rules governing proceedings before the Judicial Inquiry and Review Commission

§ 17.1-902. Powers and duties of Commission generally.  The Commission is vested with the power, and it shall be its duty, to investigate charges arising out of the present or any prior term of office which would be the basis for retirement, censure, or removal of a judge under Article VI, Section 10 of the Constitution of Virginia and the provisions of this chapter even though the subject judge may have been reelected to a new term of office.   The Commission, after such investigation as it deems necessary, may order and conduct hearings at such times and places in the Commonwealth as it shall determine. If the Commission finds the charges to be well-founded, and sufficient to constitute the basis for retirement, censure, or removal of a judge, it may file a formal complaint before the Supreme Court.    The Commission shall have the authority to make rules, not in conflict with the provisions of this chapter or of general law, to govern investigations and hearings conducted by it.   No act of the Commission shall be valid unless concurred with by a majority of its members.  (1971, Ex. Sess., c. 154, §§ 2.1-37.4, 2.1-37.5, 2.1-37.6; 2001, c. 844.)

Bellefonte - NOTICE OF APPEAL to Supreme Court of Virginia




                                                NOTICE OF APPEAL

     COMES NOW JANICE WOLK GRENADIER, PLAINTIFF, pursuant to Rule 5:9 Of the Rules of the Supreme Court of Virginia hereby gives notice that she is appealing the  Circuit of Alexandria’s Court’s Order entered on August 4, 2014  entering verdict against the Plaintiff in the above captioned matter to the Supreme Court of Virginia.   Judge James Clark in collusion with the JIRC acted in Bias, Retribution and Retaliation ignoring all evidence of Defendant showing Favoritism and Cronyism towards one of his own Lawyer Ilona Ely Freedman Grenadier Heckman who without her, Michael Weiser, and her attorney’s he would not have been chosen to replace Judge Haddock who “LOVED ILONA” .  Ignoring the law of Honest Services in the closed Judicial society, you scratch my back, with the believe “there’s nothing you can do?”  you aren’t one of us.  The Scheme of jail time and  approx. $33,000 in legal fees sanctioned for lawyers who have lied in court, ex-parte communication, lied in court documents, lied in court documents to Bankruptcy Court, lied in court documents to the Supreme Court of Virginia, Prince William Circuit Court shows with the  collusion of the JIRC and Judge Clark who has Behaved very Badly in a grotesque and reprehensible criminal enterprise conducted with full knowledge, consent, and contribution from public and private servants alike.

     A Written Statement of Facts will be filed in accordance with the rules under Rule 5:11 to be made part of the record.

Dated this August 20, 2014
                                                                Respectfully Submitted.                       
                                                                         Janice Wolk Grenadier
                                                                          15 West Spring St.
                                                                           Alexandria, Va 22301
Certificate of Service
I HEREBY CERTIFY that a true and accurate copy of the Plaintiff’s Notice of Appeal was hand delivered on August 18, 2014 to the following:  Ilona Grenadier & GIC to Ben Dimuro at DimuroGinsburg, 908 King St., Suite 200, Alexandria, Va 22314 & David Mark Grenadier to Michael J. Weiser, 510 King St., Suite 416,  Alexandria, Va  22314 

Dated August 20, 2014     

                                                                      Janice Wolk Grenadier

Les Pendins NOTICE OF APPEAL to the Supreme Court of Virginia

Ilona Grenadier Heckman
v.                                                                                    Case No.   CL14002193
Janice Wolk Grenadier
NOTICE OF APPEAL to the Supreme Court of Virginia

        COMES NOW JANICE WOLK GRENADIER, Defendant, pursuant to Rule 5:9 Of the Rules of the Supreme Court of Virginia hereby gives notice that she is appealing the  Circuit of Alexandria’s Court’s Order entered on August 4, 2014  entering verdict against the Defendant in the above captioned matter to the Supreme Court of Virginia.   Judge James Clark in collusion with the JIRC acted in Bias, Retribution and Retaliation ignoring all evidence of Defendant showing Favoritism and Cronyism towards one of his own Lawyer Ilona Ely Freedman Grenadier Heckman who without her, Michael Weiser, and her attorney’s he would not have been chosen to replace Judge Haddock who “LOVED ILONA” .  Ignoring the law of Honest Services in the closed Judicial society, you scratch my back, with the believe “there’s nothing you can do?”  you aren’t one of us.  The Scheme of jail time and  approx. $33,000 in legal fees sanctioned for lawyers who have lied in court, ex-parte communication, lied in court documents, lied in court documents to Bankruptcy Court, lied in court documents to the Supreme Court of Virginia, Prince William Court shows with the collusion of the JIRC and  Judge Clark have Behaved very Badly in a grotesque and reprehensible criminal enterprise conducted with full knowledge, consent, and contribution from public and private servants alike.

     A Written Statement of Facts with Exhibits will be filed in accordance with the rules under Rule 5:11 to be made part of the record.  
August 20, 2014
                                                        Janice Wolk Grenadier
                                                         Pro Se
                                                        15 West Spring Street
                                                         Alexandria, Virginia 22301

                                                         Certificate of Service
That a copy went to Defendants Atttorney  Ben DiMuro, Andrea Moseley DiMuroGinsberg  1101 King Street,   Suite 610, Alexandria, VA  22314

August 20, 2014                                                            Janice Wolk Grenadier

Friday, August 8, 2014

Judicial Misconduct - Sentenced Janice Wolk Grenadier to Jail - Retribution and Retaliation to protect his and other Criminal Actions

On August 22, 2014 I have been sentenced to jail for 30 

days - while the media reports on the weather and ignores 

the Judicial Misconduct

It is important all Americans are aware of the Judicial Corruption in the United States of America especially in the State of Virginia rated 47th and 49th in Corruption. I have been denied my basic American right to Due Process in the Judicial System due to my being Catholic and no longer a part of the “Old Boy’s Network’ in Virginia That in fighting for my basic rights there has been Retaliation and Retribution. That all the lawyers have lied in court, lied in court documents, lied in court documents to the Supreme Court of Virginia, lied in documents to the Bankruptcy Court, lied in documents thru others in Federal Court - had ex-parte communications, Slandered me in “Orders” to intimidate and the documentation will back me on this. The Virginia and Federal Judges have ruled in Favoritism and Cronyism to protect one of their own from being held accountable for criminal actions. That I am not alone, this is a pattern in the Judicial Misconduct in the United States of America. As a child they brain wash you into believing that if you walk into a court room and tell the TRUTH a Judge will act according to the United States Constitution, the State Constitution, the Rules and Laws of the Supreme Court. This is not what is going on in the courts in the United States of America. That we are sending men and women into wars all around this World with the smoke and mirrors vision that we are above all other countries in how we treat our citizens. Yet in truth our Judicial Community is corrupt, arrogant and believes they are above the Law. The Judicial Community in the United States self-police’s itself with no outside intervention from the Government, or other agencies that are arm’s length to hold them accountable. That the Government Elected Officials are paid for by the Judicial Community in donations to their campaigns. That without a Judicial System that conducts itself with integrity we cannot have a Government that conducts itself appropriately. July 25, 2014 Janice Wolk Grenadier asked "Where do you go for help when your Due Process rights as an American Citizen are violated?" You will be shocked by the answer -.
The entire CATO event can be heard at
Read more at:

VIRGINIA - JIRC HEAD ATTORNEY - JUDGES NO LONGER HAVE TO RULE BY THE JUDICIAL CANNONS - UNITED STATES CONSTITUTION - VIRGINIA CONSTITUTION - THE RULES AND THE LAWS - WE WILL NOT ENFORCE THEM - WELCOME TO THE WILD WILD WEST OF JUDICIAL MISCONDUCT IN VIRGINIA! The United States of America cannot have a Working Government when they have a Corrupt Judicial System - On July 25, 2014 Janice Wolk Grenadier asked "Where do you go for help when your Due Process rights as an American Citizen are violated?" You will be shocked by the answer - We send young men and women into harm’s way to fight for rights that we no longer have as American Citizens. It is very scary and until you are involved in a Slippery Slope of the Collusion and Corruption of the Judicial System - it is difficult to understand . The entire CATO event can be heard at Read more at: 1. Lawyers have lied in almost all documents filed in the City of Alexandria Courts, the Prince William Court, The Supreme Court of Virginia
2. Lawyers have lied in Court in the City of Alexandria and Prince William County
3. No Judges has had Jurisdiction if you follow the Virginia Supreme Court rule 17.105 (b) and the Judicial Cannons. That in 1990 it was established by Judge Hoss who recused himself again in 2007 that Ilona Ely Freedman Grenadier Heckman practiced in front of him and in his court and so all Judges were recusing themselves. The appearance of Justice is as important as Justice itself.
4. That 1 Circuit Court Judge and 3 Federal Judges have removed documents from Janice Wolk Grenadier’s file that are all truthful and with fact to further disclose the misconduct of lawyer Ilona Grenadier Heckman.
5. That Federal Judges and Judge Clark with others have slandered Plaintiff with Orders name calling Janice Wolk Grenadier inappropriately. (delusional, Frivolous etc)
6. City of Alexandria tampering with the Grand Jury on a monthly bases - That Janice has an “Order” from Chief Justice Cynthia Kinser of the Supreme Court of Virginia to go in front of the Grand Jury to ask for a Special Grand Jury and instead was KIDNAPPED into another Court room with witness’s and not allowed into the Grand Jury.
7. The Retaliation and Retribution to have City of Alexandria Sue Plaintiff over gutters that had slightly come unattached to her home, along with a friends RV that was parked in her Drive Way legally.
8. The “Order” by Judges to get information on Janice so she could be declared incompetent - hiring or as a friend to Ilona - Mark / Michael Stuart to Drug Janice and get inappropriate sexual pictures, to find her incompetent to file documents with the courts, or to rape one of Janices daughters or to plant drugs on one of the girls or in the home.
9. The close to 100 e-mails and letters that were sent to intimidate, harass and bully Janice or others that were trying to help Janice.
10. The blog - Riddled with lies. Claiming abortions, homosexuality, asking 100 – to thousands of people to come to plaintiffs home etc with over 100 entries – of lies
11. The irreversible harm done to Janice reputation for the Judicial Community to protect the criminal activity of one of their own Ilona Grenadier Heckman
12. That Janice filed on July 22, 2014 a law suit against Judge Clark and all and in retaliation he has Sentence Janice to jail for 30 days if she does not pay close to $50,000 in legal fees for lawyers that have lied in court, lied in court documents et al.
Janice is fighting for her fundamental rights to Due Process and a Judge that is not Bias. And now on August 22, 2014 Janice will be going to jail.
The Media is ignoring this instead talking about the weather etc -

Thursday, July 10, 2014

You can't Change the "TRUTH" Ilona Greandier Heckman is nothing but a liar -





                                                             CASE NO. CL14-002193


Petition to Quash LIS PENDENS, An Award of Attorney’s Fees and Other Relief


Motion Circuit Court Judges to recuse themselves from hearing any Motions and filing the appropriate paper work due to past Violations:                        For DISCRIMINATION – Religious; Social; Economic; Hierarchy. ABUSE OF  POWER, Ex-Parte Communications, OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE,  allowing Lawyers to Lie in COURT, Lie  in Court Documents, BRIBERY, JUDICIAL MISCONDUCT, CRIMINAL MISCONDUCT, HARRASSMENT, GANG ACTIVITY, RACKETEERING, RETALIATION, FORGERY, EXTRINSIC FRAUD, EGREGIOUS LEGAL ERRORS, VIOLATION of the Code of Professional Ethics; Title 18 US Code 241 & 242; Title 42 U.S Code 1981 & 1983; Virginia Code 17 .1-105(b);  The Cannons of Judicial Conduct and Rules of Professional Conduct, Mail Fraud, Tampering With evidence , Theft of Evidence

             COMES NOW  Defendant Demands the Circuit Court Judges of the City of Alexandria recuse themselves filing the appropriate paperwork with the Supreme Court of Virginia - Virginia Code 17 .1-105(b) . That Ex – Parte communications and misconduct by Ben DiMuro et al and the Alexandria Circuit Court Judges in moving the date from July 9, 2014 to July 23, 2014 is due to the press that would be present on July 9, 2014 for the much publicized Rape by a Sheriff in the COA jail.  That the date of July 9, 2014 for the initial hearing was published in the paper.   That it is obvious the Judges have in the past and by all appearance are trying to keep this Judicial Misconduct from being known. That the past Motions have always gone last and with the Judge’s placing a Sheriff outside the door to prevent others from coming into the court room to watch the proceedings. 
That Notification that Ben DiMuro is refusing to work with Defendant to find a mutually agreeable time to have Motion heard as Defendant needs at least 6 hours for the 9 witness’s to be heard and longer for a Jury to decide
       COMES NOW DEFENDANT DEMANDS  Plaintiff a lawyer return Plaintiffs properties and a Forensic Accountant  review all accounts.  Plaintiff a lawyer has been in possession of the following Property and Properties of Defendant which resulted in Defendant’s Lis Pendens, which by law is the appropriate remedy to protect Defendant’s interests.  

That Plaintiff owes Defendant for the following:
1.    Sonia Grenadier Trust
1.    Note   $ 30,000.00 /10% Interest                                           $ 307,576.25
 Prevented Plaintiff from losing her Law License and going to
 Jail as Jim Arthur did.
2.    Clients which Defendant loss due to the Note(10% int)       $2,471,940.78
Plaintiff demanded acting as Defendants lawyer that she
had to give up her client – the very min cost to that was
the listings for the new homes

2.    Real Estate
1.    Bellefonte Ave – Personal ownership  50%  (10% int)           $ 504,003.25                               
2.    GIC Properties at least 24.5%                                              $3,000.000.00
(accounting of sales, rents, depreciation etc needed)
3.    Southway / SouthHampton Terrace at least 24.5 %  
( an accounting for rents, depreciation,  income etc needed)
The apartments has Rental income of approx. $95.000 monthly
4.    Monroe Ave at least 24.5%                                                   $ 500,000.00
(accounting for rents income needed , etc)

3.    Bankruptcy – That Defendant would not have been in so is owed legal fees and expenses
1.     Legal Fees –                                                                  $  319,613.81              
2.    Expenses / Damages                                                      $   TBD

4.    Damages for actions that were and still are willful acts that are malicious, violent, oppressive, fraudulent, wanton and grossly reckless in collusion with others.
Damages go back to the first known Lie / Fraud  to Defendant  February 14, 1986

5.    By all appearance Ilona Grenadier is bringing in around $150,000, a month in rent from properties.  Majority of this rental income is from properties   acquired  by stealing money from the Sonia Grenadier Trust and Janice Wolk Grenadier. That Defendant by right owns at least 24.5% of all properties BY RIGHT and VIRGINIA LAW.
History of Plaintiff

1.    November 30, 1983  Ilona Grenadier was involved in the FORGING of Sonia Grenadier‘s name to name Ilona an additional Trustee to the Sonia Grenadier Trust – so she could steal from it.

2.    March  1985 – Judge Albert Grenadier dies

3.    Ilona Grenadier pays an employee of her office David Grenadier to oversee the Trust and to help her steal from it to purchase Real Estate in a partnership called Grenadier Investment  (GIC)

4.    Ilona continues to use the Forged  Trust Addendum to further steal from Sonia Grenadier with new evidence within this year (2014) and the sale of a property called Bristow Road.

5.    Ilona works a deal with Jim Arthur to continue to control the Trust through her law firm in 1985 – with the knowledge that Sonia Grenadier’s name was Forged

6.    In 1989 Sonia Grenadier starts asking for an accounting of her assists

7.    Through letters and accountings Ilona Grenadier stole over $95,000 from the Sonia Grenadier Trust during the time frame of March 1985 – March of 1990 when her authority was revoked and all accounts turned over to Jim Arthur at Mays and Valentine who joined them in January of 1990.

8.    Ilona Grenadier Heckman knowing it was much more than $40,000.00 tried to tell Jim Arthur and others who were investigating that was all that she stole.  She knew this was a lie.  That Defendant from what little Defendant  had learned in July / August of 1990 knew it was closer to $65,000. and had informed Ilona of this.

9.    In September of 1985 by all appearance and according to King David Memorial Gardens using the forged agreement Ilona stole Herman Grenadier  from his resting place and moved him.  Then Ilona Grenadier  donated the 3 remaining spots that the Sonia Grenadier Trust owned and according to Ilona took a personal  tax deduction

10. Ilona Grenadier purchased from the Sonia Grenadier Trust a property at 314-A East Curtis Ave, Alexandria Va.   Instead of putting money down by all appearance Ilona put a Note on the property  with Sonia Grenadier. Ilona made the payments not to Sonia as required by the note but, to Albert Grenadier then to David Grenadier.   

11. Ilona Grenadier / her law firm hid from the Attorneys and family of the Sonia Grenadier Trust  different accounts that were part of the Sonia Grenadier Trust. 

12. On February  14, 1986 Ilona lied to Defendant when she said with a big smile that Jerry Heckman had included her in his will.  Which he might have done that.  The smile was for the property by all appearance called Bristow Road that she had stolen with the help of the Fagelson Law firm from the Sonia Grenadier Trust.  That a recent sale of the property and Defendant herself researching the property shows the property was never legally taken out of the Sonia Grenadier Trust.  That Herman Grenadier left everything to his wife.  That the title shows in May of 1967 it being in Sonia and Herman Grenadier’s name.  No documentation filed in Prince William County showing Sonia and Herman leaving the property to Albert Grenadier.  That at the death of Albert Grenadier by all appearance this property should have gone into the Sonia Grenadier Trust.  That in or around February 14, 1986 Ilona Grenadier took from the sale of some of the property a portion of the sale of  -  $521,063.50.  That money was what Ilona Grenadier was excited about on February 14, 1986.  Her ability to get away with stealing Sonia Grenadiers portion. 

13. That the Bellefonte Property contract was written in or around October of 1986.  That Ilona had David informed  Defendant that they did not have the funds to purchase it.  This was a lie. In February of 1986 Ilona had received the funds from  the Bristow Rd and was just starting to steal from the other accounts of Sonia Grenadier through her law firm.    This was done to swindle out of Janice her 50 % and David’s 25 %.  Defendant lent David the 25%.  That when David left the Marriage in August of 1997 by moving to the basement of the home by the advice of Ilona Grenadier acting as his lawyer. 

14. That in March of 1990 Ilona and David were caught stealing the funds from the Sonia Grenadier Trust.  Ilona lied to everyone about her role in it.  Manipulating every conversation and lying to everyone about her role in it and what would happen to them if they got their own lawyer or discussed the actions of the Plaintiff Ilona and the Ilona Grenadier’s law firm.

15. Once caught Ilona took one half of David’s salary from him that he was being paid by the law firm.

16. On July 7, 1990 Ilona manipulated $30,000.00 from Defendant.  Assuring her to keep it legal she would write up a note and that 10% interest would accrue on the Note.  That David would sign the note and Ilona / her law firm working as Defendant’s lawyer  would hold the Note for safe keeping.  This was the morning after Janice had the night before gone through an emergency C – section giving birth to “A”.  “A” was born with heart issues at or around 9 am on July 7th the morning after “A”’s birth – Ilona is on the phone about Ilona’s great Idea of Janice lending the money to pay back what Ilona / Ilona’s law firm had stolen.  Janice  agreed due to the fact it was presented to  Janice  “IF you don’t do this your husband the father of your new baby will go to jail and be repeatedly raped”.  At this point of the morning the Doctors from Georgetown heart specialist had not been able to inform Janice how “A” was and how long she would be in intensive care.  Ilona never asked how “A” was or what the doctors had said.

17. Ilona wanted this money to keep the focus off the truth – That in May of 2008  Ilona turned to Janice and said David did not steal that money.  Which all the documentation then shows it was Ilona who stole that money.  Which Ilona was paying David a salary to work with her on stealing the money.

18. Ilona would stress often not to discuss with anyone or she could lose her law license and David would go to jail.  That not only would David go to jail he would repeatedly be raped in jail, was Ilona’s favorite way of putting it. 

19. GIC 50% partner to Bellefonte Ave Partnership never paid it’s share of expenses.  All expenses were paid by the Janice.

20. That Ilona working as Defendant’s lawyer insisted and demanded she not continue a working relationship with the purchaser of the property called Holland Road.  Which is where the commission that was lent to David and Ilona came from.  Defendant lost a substantial amount of commissions as well as future business with that decision.

21.  Defendant with all the secrets and pressure put on her by David and Ilona to keep their secrets and at the same time help support the property’s was very warring on Defendant.

22. The law is very clear in Virginia, when properties are owned even in a partnership if they are not kept separate they become marital property.  Which as a Divorce attorney Ilona Grenadier is very aware of this.

23. In November of 1997 Ilona decides it is time for the marriage of Defendant and David to end.  There are 2 children which she has no interest in as they are being raised Catholic and Ilona is Jewish.  There is not enough money for her to steal.  She has fired David from her law firm, since there is nothing or anyone for him to steal from for her.

24. In November of 1997 Ilona engages an attorney that is not licensed to do business in Virginia and splits the partnership up with not having Defendant sign any documents.  This is new evidence just recently learned

25. Ilona acting as an attorney is involved in a rumor that causes David to pull a gun in the home of Defendant while the two young girls are upstairs.  It is the hope that Defendant calls the police and is arrested.

26. Ilona - Defendant believes is also involved in the cab ride that Defendant took to the airport in September of 1997 where Defendant is offered for $5,000.  To have David killed.

27. Ilona acting as attorney to get what is best for Ilona and to cover up the fact that she has used an attorney not licensed in Virginia and aware of the laws and the partnership – the co-mingling of Defendants funds and signature of defendant on loans with Southway Terrace / Monroe Ave / other GIC properties which gives Defendant ownership by right in all properties.  That Ilona Grenader Heckman a lawyer writes up and advices David it is best and he is not to move out of the home until Defendant agrees to what Ilona wants. This is to protect Ilona and only Ilona a lawyer.

28. That Defendant was forced into Bankruptcy due to the actions of Plaintiff and David.

29. That Ilona threatened Defendant on several occasions to keep quiet about the “Truth” or she could lose her children.

30. That Defendant was afraid of the Power, and the Corruption in the System, what would happen to her children if she pursued the money and properties she had a right to. Defendant never gave up her rights to what is by law hers.

31. That Ilona a lawyer representing herself  lied in Federal Bankruptcy Court.  That Michael Weiser in documents filed in Bankruptcy Court stated there was no property settlement so Bellefonte was or should be considered marital property.  Which if Bellefonte is marital property with the Fraud of the marriage with the manipulation of Ilona on the money that Plaintiff has put into GIC properties, Southway Terrace,  Monroe Ave – The partnership in all of these properties was marital.  Defendant owns at a minimum 24.5% in all properties. 

32. That GIC was owned 51% by Ilona Grenadier and 49% by David Grenadier gives Defendant Janice Wolk Grenadier 24.5 % of all properties owned in GIC from  August of 1997 when with Ilona’s advice David moved to the basement of the home, not including Defendant in meals or any laundry that he would do.  That according to Ilona as a Specialist in Divorce law advised David that would get him the quickest divorce. 

33. That Defendant kept a low profile, was given sole custody of her girls. 

34. That David Grenadier when he left the home had a girlfriend Mary Drake for at least if not more than 6 months prior to moving out.   David was regularly staying out all night with her.

35. In September of 2007  Defendant filed to go after the money stolen from Defendant -  by Ilona Grenadier Heckman.

36. On September 12, 2007 a lawyer Ilona Grenadier Heckman lied in court.

37. The Slippery Slope of the Truth and of the collision of Equal Justice, Due Process, Blind Justice and the desperate need of the Old Boy’s Network of Virginia  / Judicial System  of Virginia to protect one of their own - hiding the criminal actions of Ilona Grenadier Heckman. 

38. That this case has opened up all the lies and manipulation that Defendant was unaware of.  This Lis Pendens  is  about Defendant and Defendant’s daughters getting  the approximately $ 8 – 10 Million dollars owed (without damages or true accounting for 18 years of at least 24.5% ownership of GIC /Monroe /Southway properties) that have been managed by Ilona Grenadier Heckman that Ilona believe she can get away stealing from Janice and her Daughters because they are Catholic.   

39. That this case  shows who Ilona Ely Freedman Grenadier Heckman is. That the manipulation of Defendant started on February 14, 1986 with the lie about the money she had stolen from Sonia Grenadier and her Trust that day.  How she would continue to do so for another 5 years - thru March of 1990.

40. September 12, 2007 Defendant meets a Federal Judge who informs Defendant the law.  That Defendant had just “WON” her case if she had the documentation to prove it.  The Judge explained to Defendant what to do.  Defendant did the Motion for Default. That Judge’s do not like or approve of lawyers lying in court.

41. February 8, 2008  ~  Janice  receives a Letter  From Ilona Grenadier acting as a lawyer (on her law firm stationary) to Janice Wolk Grenadier,  Ilona Grenadier asserts ownership of 75% of a property Known as 28 East Bellefonte Ave, Alexandria, VA 22305.  Plaintiff also felt threatened by the letter which is full of misleading and deceitful statements. 

42. Two of the Motions for Default  are due to Ilona Grenadier Heckman lying in documents:

1.    Lying in Admissions
2.    Lying In Court Documents stamped into the record
3.    Lying In Discovery
4.    Lying In Letters written on her law firm stationary as a lawyer representing herself
5.    Lying In the Answer to The Amended Bill of Complaint field on February 27, 2008 Ilona lies again about owning 75% of the property
6.    Ilona lied when she no proof of actual payment and expenses had been provided
7.    Ilona lied when she stated that JWG didn’t own 50% of the property at least 4 times
8.    Ilona has bragged several times of her very personal and questionable relationship with Judge J. Howe Brown.  The question was she giving him more than the free legal advice to have him ignore her lying in documents?
9.    Question how close are Judge J. Howe Brown and Ilona Grenadier Heckman, that as Ilona  stated “He calls her all the time”

43.    May of 2008:

1.    Ilona Grenadier Heckman states “I have nothing to do with your girls – the blood Grandchildren of Judge Grenadier because you raised them Catholic?  -  the truth JEWISH - ILONA GRENADIER HEKCMAN HATES CATHOLICS /CHRISTIANS –

2.    Ilona Grenadier Heckman explains that  Defendant should be grateful to Ilona for the listing on Holland Road so Ilona could manipulate / stole the money – The money which kept her from losing her law license and not going to jail as Jim Arthur did.

3.    Ilona Grenadier explains that  David didn’t stole the money from Sonia Grenadier Trust - which only left Ilona Grenadier and her law firm to steal  over $95,000.00 cash, She stole Herman Grenadier and his Garden at King David, the Bristow Road Property and the portion of $521,063.50 – and how much of the money in the sale in 1983 of  $81,000, and the Sale in October of 1984 -  $ 200,000 did Ilona steal?  Ilona paid the note back from the Custis property first  to Albert Grenadier then David Grenadier instead of the rightful owner Sonia Grenadier. Ilona stole Herman from his resting place, donating his garden and taking a personal tax deduction from the donation.

4.    Defendant  introduces herself  to Judge Haddock after he speaks with Ilona – Chief Judge Haddock explains to Defendant  “You will  never get a fair trial as  we all Love Ilona”  Defendant turns to Diane Fiske shocked by the statement and express’s I can’t believe he just said that to me.  What is and was Chief Judge Donald Haddocks relationship with Ilona that he would put his reputation his career, his family on the line for her?

5.    Again Defendant ask’s Diane Fiske about getting Judge’s that Ilona did have a special extra ordinary friendship with..

44.     June 18, 2008 – Plaintiff Files:
  1.  Motion for Default - Ilona has lied in the Admissions
A.   For Ilona lying in court to Judge Kloch on September 12, 2007 ~ Motion for Default
B.   For Motion for Default filed in February for Ilona  Lying in the Answer to Bill of Complaint by defendant and Counter claim and Cross Complaint
C.   For lies in Admissions
D.   For the letters Ilona sent Bulling & Threatening Janice  if Janice  didn’t drop the suit.
  1. Motion for Trial by Jury – Due to comments made by Judge Haddock & Ilona Grenadier
A.   Judge Haddock telling Plaintiff she could never get a fair trial as they all “LOVE” Ilona
B.   Ilona informing Plaintiff all the Judges were friends of hers & she gave them free legal advice when they called her
45. July 9, 2008 – Judge Howe Brown – rules :
  1. Denies motion for Default
  2. Denies motion for Trial by Jury
  3. And makes both sides work on response’s in the Motion to Compel
Ilona reminds Janice how much Judge Howe Brown likes her and calls her.

September 2011           Ilona Grenadier & Ben DiMuro generous donation to the Judge Donald M. Haddock Portrait fund -  

September 15, 2011  Ilona Grenadier through her law firm throws a party on the Miss Mallory in Alexandria, Virginia, by all appearance a $100,000 + party.
Ilona Grenadier tries to assert she does not owe Defendant and Defendant is extorting money from her.  Detective Pak of the COA Police as a favor tried to intimidate and scare Defendant for Ilona Grenadier Heckman.
Ilona Grenadier makes a generous donation to Ed Semonian Clerk of Court for his campaign as a Thank you – 

Ilona in November / December 2012 has a gentleman by the name of Mark Stuart contact Defendant -  He is to harm Defendant -  Drug her and get inappropriate sexual pictures of her, Rape on of her daughters or plant drugs on one of the girls or in Defendants home.  Whatever takes to stop the TRUTH from coming out.
Ilona in this same time period has the workers in the City of Alexandria harass Defendant and sue her over a gutter that has come off.

That just like the day “A” was born with Issues and Ilona asks to borrow the $30,000. to pay back money she stole.  The day after my Dad died she had her GANG attacking Defendant through e-mails.

Ilona always tells everyone how she is going to sue Defendant-  She and David even stole a car that Defendant  had purchased for “M” and sold it – FORGING something with the DMV is the only way they could have done it.  Defendant has the original title.  When asked about it – Ilona and David  laugh and say who cares – you really think anyone in the Judicial Community will touch us.  Do you really believe anyone will ever hold us accountable?  Ilona Ely Freedman Grenadier Heckman believes and lives her life as if she is above the law. 
Ilona Grenadier creates a Gang / Klue Klux Klan type group consisting of Robin / Rachel Grenadier – Loretta Lax Miller aka Muggy Cats aka Billy Sullivan aka Leah Lax presidential Candate for 2016,  her attorneys DiMuroGinsber  and others to Harass, Lie on line, Slander, Start a Blog  because she does not want the Truth about what she owes Defendant   coming out.  Ilona also in May of 2008 stated to Defendant “Me and my family had nothing to do with your girls as you raised them Catholic”

On December 24  of 2013 Ilona went full force in trying to stop the Truth from being investigated.  Her GANG / Klue Klux Klan sent this e-mail to Defendant -   Defendant  has over 100 similar harassing e-mails.

Tue, Dec 24, 2013 at 2:05 PM

something more scarier  I contacted  Ilona Ely Freedman Grenadier Heckman  your witch hunt is over

Tue, Dec 24, 2013 at 10:39 AM



Janice / Defendant has probably close to 100 e-mails that are similar in threats – That Ilona or her Gang have sent to Janice / Defendant.
The threat of having thousands come to JWG home intimidate and threaten JWG and allowed by courts and Alex Police – I am not sure what Ilona has paid them - 
We hope that you join us on Friday, January 10th, 2014 outside of Janice Wolk Grenadier's house to protest her anti-American pro-Satan values. Email us at for Janice Wolk Grenadier's address. We are expecting at least 200 people so don't forget to bring Holy Water from your church to purify and sactify the land of the supporter of the Anti Christ and the mother of the vessel of Satan. We will have a prayer session to pray for her lack of soul but do not look her straight in the eyes or you will be turned to stone.

Ilona, her lawyers and friends advertised this all over the internet – Twitter, Blogs, Facebook, Google+.  Ilona has ruined Defendant,  manipulated, stolen from, Defendant and her two girls.
Prior to generous gifts from Ilona and Ilona needing Robin / Rachel Grenadier this is what Rachel / Robin thought of Ilona:
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Tue, Jul 7, 2009 12:58 am
         Subject: Per usual, Janice. 
 Ilona cannot be telling the truth but that is in keeing with her long tradition of obfuscation and bullshit.  There is a reason my entire family hates her, and that includes my father's closest relative, which is not as Ilona claims, Jerry.  Ilona had absolutely nothing to do with David signing over any inheritance rights.  That was my grandmother's position.  She never heard from David or Brian, so even if David had not stolen a cent from her he would have been disinherited.
 Ilona was never a signatory to any of the documentation between Helen and David.  It did not concern her at all.  She may have forced David's hand because she had much to lose and answer for, but she did not actually steal the money, David did.  Ilona acted as the agent and was in charge of GIC where the money was alleged by you to have been deposited by David.  She did maintain control over GIC funds.  It is a shame none of Ilona's attorneys ever studied joint and several liability in law school.  She (Plaintiff) had liability in that respect.  You are incorrect on that matter, as well.  She resigned as trustee because my grandmother determined that she could not be trusted after my father died and she saw how she was being treated by her.  And yes, I knew about the note between Ilona and David.  (this is the NOTE that Ilona/Plaintiff had David sign – that Plaintiff brought up the morning after “A” was born)
 I have no idea why you included Jerry in your emails.  He is not involved in any of this matter but since ethics is not your forte I doubt you noticed.
 As for the girls, you made it impossible for us to ever see them.  Even when I lived a few blocks away, the only time I ever saw them was when I caught them between school, after-school activities or went to A's soccer games or when David had them for awhile.  Andrew does not ever see his cousins which is also shame.  You raised them to be snobs with bone-headed values which is also a shame.  The girls do not ever meet or associate with Jews which is also your doing.  I doubt A ever would meet one at Ole Miss.  I know you sent A to a summer daycamp and then complained that minorities went there.  Instilling racism into your children is actually a form of child abuse.  I got that from A herself and witnessed the daycamp saga first-hand.  Andrea and Brian rarely get to see the girls and that is also your doing.  All I can do is pray that someday they get to know the better side of their family tree.  Your own family is hardly what one would deem suitable role models.  
 (I raised my girls Catholic and we celebrated all Jewish holidays with very close friends who were Jewish – to my knowledge not once have I seen my x-husband in a synagogue unless for a funeral – nor at anytime has any of his siblings invited the girls to a synagogue.  I was given sole custody of the girls for a reason – but that is not what this is about)
1.    Email dated and sent from:
-----Original Message-----
From: Rachel
Sent: Tue, Jul 7, 2009 11:32 am
Subject: Whatever, Janice. For the past

Yes, go ahead and show A  what I wrote.  That would be in keeping with your psychotic attempts to alienate all of us from the girls.  I stand by what I said.  Your daughters went to private Catholic schools.  They are historically not known for their tolerance of others.  The facts bear me out on that statement.  My Catholic friends call the Pope a "wanker" and with good reason.  He was in the Hitler Youth.  M recently wrote how happy she was that a country singer showed up at her high school calling it the "most important event" in her life which is sad.  Important things in life should be marriages, graduations from colleges and later, having families of their own.  The values you instilled in both the girls are not values their grandparents or great-grandparents would appreciate.  I did not call A or M racists, I called you one.  You sure as hell raised them to have no contacts with people from any other place in the world except white Anglo-saxons which is sad.   –

In an e-mail by Andrea Grenadier: On or around February 9, 2009 –
Thanks, Janice!
Interesting point about only inheriting a few thousand from dad. Ilona had
re-written dad's will, as you know, after she had promised him that she would
"take care of" his children. Of course, we all found out what "take care of"
meant to her! The several thousand dollars we inherited wasn't actually that
much -- it was from an insurance policy that dad had, and it was about $1,200.
She was incredibly pissed when she found out that she had missed that, because she wanted everything.
Dad's former secretary, Agnes Wilkes, knew that there was an earlier will, and so did Jack Duvall. Ilona said they were both lying.
My grandfather's mistake was in trusting too much, and not putting his property in a bypass trust. But when he died, my parents were splitting up, and there was no reason to believe that dad would marry someone like Ilona. My grandfather would have been highly distressed to know that someone stole his grandchildren's inheritance, but this doesn't seem to bother Ilona, who has constantly lied to me, and told me there wasn't anything.

E-mail’s dated May 16, 2013 From: Ilona Grenadier Heckman and David Grenadier in regard to the theft of my car that was sold by them without a Title or with a forged Title:

“Do me a favor of not sending any more e-mails. You are clearly mentally disturbed.  You are irrelevant to me and the girls are nothing more than an unpleasant distraction.” You don’t have any claim to the car.  If you want to pursue the 500 dollars, which by the way went to ole miss, I believe the general district court has jurisdiction.   Good luck with that.”  

(Mocking Defendant knowing he and Ilona have control over all the Judges that they can forge a car title and get away with it this is May 16, 2013) 

E-mail dated July 16, 2016 - On July 15, 2013 Defendant’s father died which the Plaintiff and her gang Andrea Grenadier and Rachel/Robin Grenadier were aware of this and decided to BULLY and try to further IDIMITATE Defendant these e-mails are sent to harass, bully, and their actions still are willful acts that are malicious, violent, oppressive, fraudulent, wanton, or grossly reckless to intimidate.  Their religious overtones once again about Defendant being Catholic only shows this is a pattern of a Religious Civil Rights Hate Crime against Defendant by Ilona Grenadier, Ben DiMuro, Rachel/Robin Grenadier and Andrea Grenadier: 
“You are to quit harassing her, David and the courts, or I will come and deal with you personally and when I do, I shall bring all the relevant documents which prove YOUR forgeries of my grandmother's signatures to sales contracts and the like which you foolishly and rashly sent to me some time ago. WIth my legal background, it would take me all of five minutes to write and notarize an affidavit to that effect. You also must have clearly forgotten that I am a former officer of the Federal courts and hear things about you from sources other than our immediate family constantly. Furthermore, insulting Federal judges as you have done will get you into more trouble than I think you realize as that is a Federal offense with stiff jail time included PLUS fines which I really doubt you can afford. Frankly, I am mystified none of the judges in the district court in Alexandria has had you interrogated and/or arrested by the FBI. As in the past, I will be happy to assist them should it become necessary.
“Janice, I am letting you know now that I do not have patience for your behavior and will take whatever means necessary to undo the damage you have caused my family's reputation. I am sorry that David ever married you and I am sure he is, as well.
You keep dredging up the fact that you were "giving birth" to our nieces when the trouble began with Jim Arthur (which above Robin mentions the Note that Ilona has which is when Ilona introduced the idea of being able to settle this situation of the missing funds from the Sonia Greandier Trust – so by all appearance and the words of Rachel/Robin she has been involved in collusion with Ilona from the start), but I wonder why you have never considered their reputations as your children? David is not the source of your problems today, you are entirely to blame for your own behavior as adults usually are, unless they are mentally unhinged and adjudicated as such by courts of competent jurisdiction. I hope you will stop taking advantage of your children in this manner. It is a form of child abuse and you have been doing it since they were minor children. If M ever wanted to become a lawyer and follow in her grandfather's footsteps you are making it impossible for her to do so in the city in which she was born. Maybe it is time you consider their futures instead of constantly harping on the past which you created out of your own greed and corrupt intentions.”

2.    E-mail From: Rachel/Robin Grenadier:
To: Janice I am not  -               
On Wed, Jul 17, 2013 at 7:31 AM, Rachel Grenadier <> wrote:
-          fucking around with you. Remove my correspondence to you from me immediately from your pathetic blog or I will sue you. I have also forwarded your comments to the appropriate Federal authorities who have jurisdiction over you. Period. End of discussion.

3.    E- Mail From: Andrea Grenadier
Andrea Grenadier <>
Wed, Jul 17, 2013 at 7:02 PM
To: JW Grenadier <>
Cc: Karen Grenadier <>, Rachel Grenadier <>, David Grenadier <>
Janice, you are really a repulsive little bitch. My sister worked her ass of for the Justice Department for over 25 years. She has EARNED her early retirement. What in the hell have you done these past 25 years, except for aggravate everyone? You b
need to get a life, seriously. And shouldn't you be down in Florida right now? (this is where it shows they knew my Father had died on July 15, 2013) Do not bother to write back. You are just scum.
Sent from Saturn.

Ilona Ely Freedman Grenadier
Ilona Ely Freedman Grenadier Heckman is a Lawyer that has made a Mockery of this court, the Judge’s and the Virginia Judicial System.  That the Facts and the Truth have not changed.  That Ilona a Lawyer is guilty of  the following criminal actions:  of being involved in , Perjury, Obstruction of Justice, Aiding and abetting obstruction of Justice, Fraud on the Court, Involvement of Forgery, Theft of money from the Sonia Grenadier Trust account through her law office for great personal gain over $10 Million in Real Estate,  Theft of Herman Grenadier, joint and several liability (per Rachel/Robin e-mail) malpractice, Bribery, Abuse of her Oath of Office, Conspiracy, Collusion,  Gang like activity mirror image to the Klue Klux Klan, Miscarriage of Justice, preventing Due Process, conflict of interest – related to the practice of law, violating code of ethics, has liability to her victims, has violated Plaintiffs  Religious, Political, United state Constitutional, Virginia Constitutional and Civil Rights, Breach of Fiduciary Duties, RULES OF PROFESSIONAL CONDUCT,  Title 18 US Code 241 Conspiracy against rights, and 242 Deprivation of rights under color of law, Retaliatory & Retribution actions, Treason,  Title VI Civil Rights Act of 1964   Title VI, 42 U.S.C. 2000d et seq., was enacted as part of the landmark Civil Rights Act of 1964,  18 USC§ 912.   With her Intention to 18 USC § 1341 -Frauds and swindles, Defraud,  Breach of Contract, Arbitrary and Capricious behavior, Committed Fraud on the Court, § 18.2-498.3. Misrepresentations prohibited, § 18.2-172 - Judicial Misconduct;  Criminal Misconduct; Mail Fraud; Honest Serves Fraud; Extortion; Harassment; Gang activity; Racketeering; Retaliation; Discrimination;  et al.  not limited to: decisions made in bad faith for a corrupt purpose, deliberately and intentionally failing to follow the law; Extrinsic fraud; Egregious legal errors; Violation of Procedural Rules; Violation of Due Process;  uttering, etc., other writings et al.   All of above charges will and can be proven with letters, documents, witnesses who have also been harmed by the actions of Plaintiff. 
Wherefore the options are Ilona / Plaintiff can be demanded to return properties and money owed to Defendant.  This can be held over for a Trial by Jury.  That a Special Grand Jury should be immediately installed to investigate the criminal actions of Ilona Grenadier Heckman an attorney and her gang.  The Facts are known, The Truth is known.  That the law is very clear as the Judicial Cannons and the Code for Professional Behavior calls for if anyone of this profession is aware of another Lawyer or Judge acting for personal benefit outside the law they are required to report such behavior, not cover it up.
That the Judges in the Circuit Court of Alexandria under the law are required to recuse themselves and a Judge that has no personal or professional relationship should hear this Motion.
     Dated this July 8, 2014
Janice Wolk Grenadier
Pro Se
15 West Spring Street
Alexandria, Virginia 22301
Certificate of Service
I hereby certify that a true and accurate copy of the foregoing document was delivered  on July 8, 2014 to Defendants attorney Ben DiMuro at DiMuroGinsberg PC – 1101 King Street, Suite 610, Alexandria VA  22314. 
July 8, 2014                                                            

                                                                                  Janice Wolk Grenadier
                                                                           Pro Se

 As John F Kennedy said “The cost of freedom is always high, but Americans have always paid it.  And one path we shall never choose, and that is the path of surrender, or submission” and “There are risks and costs to action.  But, they are far less than the long range risks of comfortable inaction.